CORPORATE WINDOW: The price tag of a terror attack

The ghastly terror attack in Peshawar last week traumatised Pakistanis. Besides the tragic loss of lives and property, it reminded people of their persistent vulnerability. Terrorism and operations to counter the threat cost Pakistan dearly. The efforts to rid the country of this menace have yet to succeed. The nation compromised on other pressing priorities for years to finance counter-terrorism projects. Besides inflicting wounds on the body and soul of the nation, terror attacks hurt the country’s image. They project Pakistan as one of the most dangerous places in the world, leading to adverse economic consequences, some quantifiable and others not. The gradual decline in terrorist attacks since 2014 kindled the hope that, over time, such attacks will end completely, the business environment will improve and allow the country to grow steadily. However, to the horror of people and businesses, over the past two years, the frequency of terrorist attacks started increasing once again, particularly in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.