KE tariff to go down by Rs10.8 per unit

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) indicated on Tuesday that it would reduce power tariff by Rs10.80 per unit for K-Electric (KE) consumers and by Rs2.32 per unit for the consumers of other power distribution companies (DISCOs) on account of fuel charge adjustment (FCA) for December 2022. The tariff reduction will reflect in the electricity bills of February 2023 where consumers will receive a relief of Rs18.7 billion. The power-sector regulator conducted separate public hearings to review the petitions of KE and other DISCOs, which sought a reduction in electricity tariff. KE submitted its petition for a tariff cut of Rs10.26 per unit while the Central Power Purchasing Agency-Guarantee (CPPA-G) requested a tariff reduction of Rs2.20 per unit. During the hearings, the regulator announced that the tariff would be slashed by Rs10.80 per unit for KE consumers and by Rs2.23 per unit for DISCOs’ customers. However, “final decision will be issued later”. In a statement, Nepra said that the public hearings were presided over by its Chairman Engineer Tauseef H Farooqui. According to the analysis of preliminary data, according to Nepra, the tariff reduction would be Rs2.32 per unit for DISCOs. Earlier, their consumers were charged an increase of 18 paisa per unit on account of FCA for November.