Cabinet gets its 77th member amid cost-cutting

As the government scrambles to save every penny and introduce cost-cutting measures, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif added another special assistant to his cabinet. The already hefty cabinet has now swelled to 77 with the induction of Fahd Haroon who was appointed special ass­i­stant to the prime minister. “The Prime Minister … has been pleased to appoint Mr. Fahd Haroon, as Special Assistant to the Prime Mini­ster with the status of Min­ister of State, with immediate effect,” reads a notification issued by the cabinet division. Mr Haroon, a prominent media personality, has the distinction to work with two rivals: Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf and Pakistan Dem­ocratic Movement (PDM). He was appointed former prime minister Imran Khan’s focal person for information in March 2020. In Dec 2022, he was appointed Sindh chief minister’s special assistant for media affairs. Mr Haroon has also served in important positions in professional and advisory capacities, such as Chairman FPCCI Press and Electronic Media Committee and member of the Pakistan Broadcasters Asso­ciation, as per media reports.