Inflation misery

THE PDM government’s continuing inability to keep prices under control speaks volumes about the competency of its economic management team, currently led by a former finance minister who loves to make a great deal of his ‘extensive experience’. It has thus far failed to show any spine as far as the protection of ordinary citizens’ financial well-being is concerned. As a result, the public has largely been left to fend for itself as the country undergoes a severe and painful reconfiguration, resulting from years of myopic and self-serving decisions. It is fair that rather than point the finger at an individual or group of individuals, one should blame the succession of self-confident economic ‘wizards’ whose only real trick has been to disappear as soon as the cost of their bad policies comes due. However, the PDM had sold itself as the panacea to Pakistan’s economic challenges, especially when the government was with the PTI. It has yet to demonstrate why it had been so confident in its ability to deliver.