PTI’s white paper paints bleak picture of economy

A white paper issued by the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) comp­aring the economic performance of the Pakistan Demo­cratic Movement (PDM) and PTI governments painted a bleak picture of affairs and warned that hyperinflation, coupled with unemployment, could push the country towards “complete anarchy”. Speaking at a ceremony held at Chief Minister’s Secretariat at The Mall via video link, PTI Chairman Imran Khan reiterated that the only solution to avert an economic collapse was to hold free and fair elections. He added that political stability would ensure economic stability. The PTI chairman, however, regretted that Pakistan had been caught in a catch-22 situation because the “status quo” was avoiding general elections. He claimed the government would choose to face all kinds of perils to secure an IMF programme notwithstanding the tough conditions which would result in further inflation. Mr Khan expressed pleasant surprise that one of the recommendations of the Nat­io­nal Security Commi­ttee urg­ed the government to immediately stop the flight of dollars abroad even though a government of “money launderers is at the helm”.