SECP gets three new commissioners

With the appointment of the three commissioners in the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) on Tuesday, the chairperson remains the only member of the Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP). The finance ministry has notified Akif Saeed, Abdul Rehman Warraich and Mujtaba Ahmad Lodhi as commissioners in SECP for three years bringing its strength to five. However, Mr Lodhi is currently one of the two members of the CCP along with chairperson Rahat Kaunain Hassan. As Mr Lodhi leaves to join the SECP, the only member remaining in CCP is Ms Hassan, whereas under the law there have to be a minimum of five and a maximum of seven members in the CCP. Due to political uncertainties, the slots of three CCP members retiring in March this year could not be filled. Meanwhile, the SECP has reached its appropriate strength of five with the appointment of three commissioners. Currently, Aamir Khan is SECP chairman and the other commissioner is Sadia Khan.