Society’s reach in setting policy direction

While there is a lot of public discourse on the need for change or transformation, policymakers have remained trapped in firefighting for a long time. So the question arises: how and when will change come about and how will the huge challenges be overcome? However, according to fast-changing ground realities, it is becoming apparent that society will act as a catalyst for triggering inclusive economic development and forging democracy that serves many and not a few. The economically, politically and socially vulnerable or those left behind struggle to make a difference. Time and tide are on their side. The voices of the deprived have started gathering informal support from some segments of government and a relatively more vibrant society. To pick a random example, the participants of a recent conference jointly organised in Islamabad by the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan and Friedrich Naumman Foundation on local government (LG) empowerment included leading scholars and lawyers, women rights activists, representatives of progressive think tanks, members of parliament belonging to PPP, ANP and MQM and PTI leaders.