Authority launched for digital certification

IT and Telecommuni­cation Minister Syed Amin Ul Haque on Wednesday inaugurated the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for National Root Certification Authority (NRCA). The minister said the establishment of NRCA is a step towards the achievement of “accelerated digitisation”. He highlighted that the Electronic Certification Accreditation Council (ECAC) has established PKI for NRCA for the government, public and private sector entities. NRCA will be the first to establish trust and security in electronic transactions/communications in the country. It will be globally recognised through WebTrust audit and highly secured PKI setup for accreditation of Certification Service Providers (CSPs). The minister said that Pakistan had witnessed a dynamic revolution in the sphere of e-commerce and e-governance. “The use of digital signatures is unpredictable as it was unregulated due to the non-existence of NRCA, monopolistic existence of certification authority in the private sector and lack of enforceability and implementation in the public sector by the appropriate authorities,” he observed.