
Pinning hopes on provincial governments

Though no budget can appease all segments of society, as one man’s meat is another’s poison, the policymakers have at least rectified their direction as far as the allocations made for agriculture in the budget 2023-24 are concerned. Increasing the bank loan allocation and targeting young farmers for the purpose, subsidising import of seed, solarisation of agriculture tube-wells and farm machin

Budget 2023-24: A few goodie bags won’t undo the damage

Every year, the federal budget is a cruel reminder of the Pakistani economy’s descent into chaos and the meaninglessness of numbers. The mediocrity of the size of outlays, the unrealistic targets and the crushing burden of debt are all recurring features now, with no end in sight to this madness. However, unlike all previous editions, this budget was unique in one respect: the focus on informat

New budget will do little to allay IMF concerns

The budget for the next fiscal year will do little to allay the International Monetary Fund’s concerns and makes it more difficult for Pakistan to complete the pending ninth and 10th reviews of the current bailout package, experts say. This view, shared by a Washington-based economist Uzair Younus, is backed by many in the US capital about how the budget impacts Pakistan’s chances of receiving

Economic Survey 2022-23: Inflationary pressure intensifies amid global headwinds

The government conceded on Thursday average inflation will surpass its budgetary target and remain at 29 per cent for 2022-23 owing to the unprecedented depreciation and rising global commodity prices. According to the Pakistan Economic Survey 2022-23 released on Thursday, the inflation target for the outgoing fiscal year was 11.5pc. Global inflationary pressures have intensified in recent year

Stuck in the past

FINANCE Minister Ishaq Dar could have kept the Pakistan Economic Survey 2022-23 unveiling ceremony quite short. ‘We blame everyone and everything but ourselves’, would have neatly summarised the gist of most of what he had to say about his government’s report card for the outgoing fiscal year. It wasn’t difficult to see why he felt a need to be so defensive. The numbers he had to share told a h