
Every country can import Russian oil like India, says US

As Russia became India’s top oil supplier last month, the US State Department said on Monday that the United States “does not currently have” sanctions on Russian energy exports to other countries. The Indian media reported earlier in the day that Russia had surpassed traditional sellers Saudi Arabia and Iraq in exporting oil to India. The report noted that India remained non-committal on a

Govt mulls measures to improve revenues, end rupee volatility ahead of IMF meet

The government is grappling with the issue of collecting additional revenues to make up for declining tax collections amid the slowing national economy so that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) could be brought to the table for the completion of the 9th review under the ongoing extended fund facility (EFF) and ensure foreign exchange inflows from other multilateral lenders as well. Finance

Stocks rally despite political jitters

Trading on the stock market commenced in the outgoing week on a positive note and the momentum continued throughout the week, thanks to the premier’s visit to China. Arif Habib Ltd said another reason for the bullish trend was the country’s trade deficit narrowing down by 26.59 per cent to $11.47 billion in the first four months of the current fiscal year. The rupee was slightly up against t

Deepening crises

How bad will things get? What happens next? It is the question everyone is asking in the country following the assassination attempt on Imran Khan in Wazirabad last week as the former prime minister was leading his protest march on Islamabad to force early elections in the country. He and his party quickly blamed the shooting on an alleged conspiracy between the government and the military. Spo

Should share buybacks be taxed?

WhatsApp groups are abuzz with speculations about the possibility of a tax on share buybacks — an increasingly popular practice that lets listed companies purchase their own shares on the stock exchange to improve their market value. Firms that carried out share buybacks recently or are currently conducting the exercise include Netsol Technologies Ltd, Maple Leaf Cement Factory Ltd, Lucky Cemen