
ECC okays import of Russian wheat

Pakistan on Monday formally decided to import 300,000 tonnes of wheat from Russia on a government-to-government (G2G) basis and approved a 63 per cent increase in commission to oil marketing companies (OMCs) on the sale of petroleum products. The decisions were taken at a meeting of the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet presided over by Finance Minister Ishaq Dar. Regardin

Stocks fall like house of cards on ‘long march’ call

Bears pulled down the benchmark index of the Pakistan Stock Exch­ange on Wednesday owing to rising political confrontation. The bloodbath on the tra­ding floor took place as former prime minister Imran Khan unveiled his plan for holding his long march to Islamabad by the weekend, said Arif Habib Ltd. The announcement shook investors’ confidence and pulled down the index to an intraday low of

MCB Bank quarterly income rises 12pc

MCB Bank Ltd posted unconsolidated earnings of Rs8.7 billion in July-September, up 11.7 per cent from a year ago. A stock filing showed on Wednesday the bank announced a third interim cash dividend of Rs5 per share, bringing the total cash dividend for the nine months of 2022 to Rs14 per share. A press release issued by the bank said its profit-before-tax for the first nine months of 2022 in

Lucky Cement profit rises

Unconso­li­dated earnings of Lucky Cement Ltd grew 17 per cent year-on-year in July-Septe­mber to Rs3.8 billion, a stock notice showed on Thursday. The company didn’t announce a dividend. The Hub Power Company Ltd said its consolidated net income for July-September remained Rs9.1bn, up 23pc from a year ago. It didn’t declare any dividend, although the independent power producer already pa

Concern expressed over backtracking on ‘digital Pakistan’ commitments

Pakistan is diverting away from its earlier commitments for ‘digital Pakistan’ and there is an urgent need to connect more people for a resilient digital society, GSMA Asia Pacific head Julian Gorman said on Thursday. GSMA, an association of global mobile network operators, had been expressing concern over policy shifts by the government regarding the telecom sector, leading to high cost of doi