
SBP holds policy rate at record 22%

Pakistan’s central bank has opted to keep the benchmark policy rate unchanged for the fifth consecutive time over the past seven months, maintaining the record high at 22%. The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) anticipates the average inflation reading surging to 23-25% in the current fiscal year of 2023-24. Back in July 2023, the central bank had projected a more conservative inflation reading with

Differences persist in NEC on transfer of projects

Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar on Monday asked provinces to take responsibility of 75 projects to save the centre from a financial burden of Rs200 billion amid reservations expressed by the federating units about the mandate of an interim government to make such decisions. Despite the transfer of 75 schemes, the federal government will keep the ownership of 282 provincial-nature projects tha

Economic realities will derail all lofty slogans

WHEN inflation-hit and poverty-stricken voters head to polling stations on February 8, after nearly a month of hearing lofty campaign promises designed by parties vying to come to power, they may be forgiven in hoping for better days. The reality, however, is that they would be sorely disappointed. The plate of economic and fiscal challenges is full and the caretakers have been able to clear on

Tapping the voluntarily unbanked

For a common man, figuring out how to manage and invest money in Pakistan is sometimes like finding your way through a maze. There are different ways to handle money, like keeping it with conventional banks, buying mutual funds units or stock, holding on to gold or property, investing funds, or opening an account with an Islamic bank that follows Sharia principles. According to the 2021 World B

Once Upon A(I) Time

In the era of artificial intelligence (AI), the landscape of content is undergoing a revolutionary transformation, reshaping narratives in corporate settings and beyond. As we approach this resurrection, set to unfold over four decades after the premiere of Forrest Gump, starring Tom Hanks and Robin Wright, AI tools take centre stage in crafting a new, unrelated film. This innovative approach invo