
Abrupt ALR implementation: solutions sought

Leading business leaders have presented a couple of proposals to find solutions to the problems arising in the wake of a sudden implementation of the Axle Load Regime (ALR) of the National Highway Safety Ordinance (NHSO) 2000. The ALR, re-implemented on Nov 12, 2023, is hitting local trade, exports and imports. They said the authority concerned imposed the ALR and adopted a pitch that highways

Hyperinflation and the mystery behind no protests

In their latest survey, Gallup & Gilani Pakistan asked a nationally representative sample of adult men and women: “Compared to ten years ago, do you feel more financially prosperous, less prosperous, or indifferent?” Surprisingly, 35% of respondents reported feeling financially better off now compared to 10 years ago. In their responses, 14% of respondents felt ‘Very prosperous’, while 21% r

Overhauling Pakistan’s tax system

I A Mayburov (2007) defines the Tax System as ‘a system that is a principle-based integral unity of its main interconnected and interrelated elements. These elements are the regulatory legal basis of taxation, the set of taxes and fees, the payers of taxes and fees, and the mechanism of tax administration’. Considering these elements in relation to Pakistan’s tax system reveals the need for compre

Bulls toss index above 67,000 on economic optimism

KARACHI: The stock market maintained a bullish trend in the outgoing week due to aggressive value-hunting, propelling the KSE 100-share index to an all-time high, closing above 67,000, on persistent optimism about economic stability, PIA privatisation and expected inflows from the IMF next month after reaching a staff-level agreement. AKD Securities Ltd said the first four sessions cumulatively

Reducing debt servicing by Rs1tr

Some believe that Pakistan’s real risks are on the external side, and the country should focus on raising money to refinance and service its external debts. However, given its low credit rating, it seems highly unlikely that Pakistan will be able to raise money from the international debt markets soon. Moody’s Investor Service noted in its report of Feb 27 that Pakistan’s “ca” fiscal rating ref