
PSX stays bearish on IMF, policy rate uncertainty

Conditionalities before the start of the final review with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and uncertainty about the possibility of a rate cut given the Ramazan-driven spike in inflation kept investors in a jittery mood as a result the benchmark KSE 100-share index closed the outgoing week in the red. Arif Habib Ltd (AHL) said the stock market remained under pressure throughout the out

An unambitious growth path

Over the past three decades, Pakistan’s economic focus, particularly in its dealings with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), has centred on addressing twin deficits — current account and fiscal. Despite concerted efforts, these issues have persisted, signalling the need for a fundamental shift in approach. While managing deficits remains crucial, this writer believes sustainable economic gr

Revisiting taxation strategies

Pakistan is keen on securing a larger and longer International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout package — the only thing the country can do when it cannot service all its external debts on time. There is no option of skipping the IMF and seeking more considerable, longer-term funds from friendly countries that have already rolled over billions of dollars worth of such funds offered earlier. Foreign

Provincial share

THE PPP has aptly advised the central government to worry about improving its tax collection rather than eying the provinces’ share of tax revenues. Reacting to recent reports that the IMF wants Pakistan to restart discussions on the 2009 NFC award to correct the ‘imbalance’ in the centre-provinces distribution of tax resources, PPP Senator Sherry Rehman rejected suggestions that the global len

Petrol prices unchanged, diesel slashed for next fortnight

In its first fuel price revision announcement, the newly elected government on Friday maintained the price of petrol but slashed diesel for the next fortnight. In an an­­nouncement before midnight, the Ministry of Finance said the new price of diesel would go into effect on March 16, as recommended by the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra). The price of petrol remains Rs279.75 per litre