
Growth through devolution

With our country’s widely speculated hazy future under a six-party coalition federal government, more responsibility has devolved to the two relatively developed provinces ruled by majority parties to address current economic problems. Securing majorities in provincial assemblies, PML-N and PPP have once again assumed power in Punjab and Sindh. The two parties are also key allies in the federal

The gridlocks at the WTO

Fisheries, agriculture and World Trade Organisation (WTO) reforms were at the heart of intense negotiations among trade ministers from around the world who gathered in Abu Dhabi last week. Here are the main issues that were on the table during the ministerial conference known as MC13, which saw an extension of an e-commerce moratorium but no deals on agriculture and fisheries. Fisheries — th

27 Chinese containers with farm equipment enter Pakistan

GILGIT: As many as 27 Chinese containers loaded with agricultural equipment have entered Pakistan after the Khunjerab Pass was temporarily opened as a trial run throughout the year for cross-border trade. According to a notification issued by the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the Chinese side had conveyed its willingness to open the crossing point from March

Agriculture’s deep-rooted challenges

Thanks to the latest rollover of a $2 billion Chinese loan, there is apparently little to worry about the rupee’s health till the end of March 2024. But the rupee’s prospects in April-June 2024 may not remain as certain. Weak fundamentals of Pakistan’s external economy — particularly growing external debt servicing requirements amidst no big hope for a sustainable boost to foreign exchange reserve

Why startups fail

Not too long ago, the venture capital (VC) and tech sector was the place to be where employees were paid hands over fist. And then came the wave of popular startups shutting down. Recently, there have been rumours about layoffs in established tech companies. What happened? Shifts in consumption patterns have been the first benefactor of digitisation — for example there are multiple ride-hailing