
The unending circular debt saga

The power sector has continued to bleed as the circular debt pile swells without any check. Though successive governments have attempted to find workable solutions, yet success has eluded them for years. The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government, which remained in power from August 2018 to April 2022, left unsettled Rs1.6 trillion in circular debt. The debt accumulated to Rs3.3 trillion dur

Poland urges Pakistan to protect foreign investment

Poland’s Ambassador Maciej Pisarkski on Thursday urged Pakistan to take immediate steps for making the life of foreign investors easier, who are badly suffering because of delay in payment of their dues and difficulties in keeping their machinery functioning. The ambassador made the remarks at a time when Pakistani authorities were trying to bring foreign investment amid external sector and bud

$15.4b debt restructuring proposed

Days before Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s visit to Beijing, Pakistan has prepared a new proposal to seek $15.4 billion in Chinese energy debt restructuring aimed at lowering energy prices for end consumers. The proposal involves spreading debt repayments over a longer period. This would, on one hand, reduce the outflow of foreign currency by about $550 million to $750 million per annum and, o

Textiles’ export growth slows in April

Textile and clothing exports experienced slower growth for the second month in April, reversing the previous month’s double-digit increase. Exports inched up 0.37 per cent to $1.24 billion in April, compared to $1.23 billion in the same month last year, according to data released by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) on Thursday. This indicates stagnant orders from international buyers.

Reserves grow to $14.62bn

The foreign exchange reserves of both State Bank and commercial banks shot up during the week ending on May 10, the central bank reported on Thursday. Reserves held by commercial banks showed a bigger jump than those with the State Bank, going up by $152 million to $5.491 billion, while the SBP’s reserves rose by $15m to $9.135bn. During the current month, the central bank received $1.1bn fr