
Ogra striving to regulate growing LPG market

The demand for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) will surge to 15,000 tonnes a day in coming years from the current 4,500-5,000 tonnes as this is the only sector which has shown robust growth. Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) Chairman Masroor Khan said that two to three years back, LPG demand was 2,500 tonnes per day. Addressing a press conference along with LPG stakeholders and leadershi

Power firms bleeding users dry through inflated bills

In one of the most damning indictments of malpractices and over-billing in the provision of electricity, the country’s power distribution companies have been accused of fleecing customers and overcharging them as much as 100pc. In a comprehensive inquiry, the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) has found that distribution companies across the country, without exception, were ov

Pakistan’s case not on IMF agenda till mid-Dec

Pakis­tan has been unable to secure a place on the schedule of the Inter­national Monetary Fund’s (IMF) executive board, at least until mid-December, for the approval of the staff-level agreement (SLA) and disbursement of $700 million. Informed sources said the Ministry of Finance had been trying its best to seek a date in the first week of December to ensure approval of SLA with Pakistan for t

Bulls take index to new peak in outgoing week

The benchmark index of the Paki­stan Stock Exchange (PSX) continued its upw­ard journey in the outgoing week. The KSE-100 index mai­n­tained its unrelenting bullish momentum to fina­lly settle at an all-time high of 61,691 points after gaining 4.4 per cent on a week-on-week basis, accor­ding to AKD Secur­ities Ltd. Although the market participation witnessed a dip of 6.7pc from the preceding

COP28 & Pakistan

PAKISTAN is one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change. It has paid a massive cost over the years due to recurring climate events that not just destroy infrastructure, but also livelihoods, while having a very high human cost. The floods that ravaged the southern half of the country led to direct losses of more than $30 billion, while indirect losses that can be attributed to a disr