
Prices seen falling after arrival of imported wheat

Stakeholders expect a Rs5-7 per kg decline in wheat prices after a private sector consortium finalised a deal for the import of 700,000 tonnes of Russian and Romanian wheat which would arrive in 12 cargo ships. The first ship carrying 55,000 tonnes of Russian wheat would arrive at Karachi port on Sept 15. The second ship with 60,000 tonnes is expected to arrive in the third week of this month.

Stocks rise 316 points as rupee strengthens

The benchmark of the stock market entered the green zone on Wednesday, thanks to a buying interest following a substantial improvement in the rupeeā€™s value in the open market. Topline Securities said the local currency appreciated against the dollar by Rs10, bringing the total gain to Rs20 in just two days. According to Arif Habib Ltd, the standout share on Wednesday was Kot Addu Power Compa

PSX chief hints at new wave of IPOs

Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) Managing Director Farrukh H. Khan said on Wednesday at least three initial public offerings (IPOs) are expected to take place soon as an increasing number of companies realise that raising funds through the shares market is more efficient than relying on high-cost bank borrowing. Speaking to journalists on the sidelines of a gong ceremony to mark the IPO of technol

CCP approves two mergers

The Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) has granted approval to two mergers in home healthcare services and non-life insurance sectors after the successful completion of phase-1 competition assessment of the entities. The CCP approved the merger application filed by Shifa International Hospitals Ltd to acquire SIHT Private Ltd from Shifa Foundation. It was found that there was no overla

Automakers shock buyers with fresh price hikes

The auto assemblers on Wednesday again shocked buyers of bikes, rickshaws, cars and commercial vehicles with immediate price hikes in the range of Rs10,000 to Rs350,000. Lucky Motor Corporation Ltd (LMCL) jacked up the prices of various models by up to Rs350,000 citing no reason. The new rate of Picanto Automatic, Stonic EX plus, Sportage AWD and Sportage Black (Limited Edition) is Rs3.950 m