
Tax rates raised for non-filers

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has notified revised tax rates for non-active taxpayers to increase collection from those who are not willing to be part of tax rolls. The FBR has announced that there will be no tax deduction on cash withdrawals below Rs50,000 per day. In the last budget, the government introduced a 0.6 per cent tax deduction on cash withdrawals from non-filers, or not on the

Power tariff hike to stop economic wheel, warn business leaders

While already paying close to Rs60 per unit inclusive of taxes, trade and industry leaders on Wednesday warned that the fresh hike of Rs7.5 per kWh will bring industrial and export activities to a standstill. Terming the tariff hike as anti-business, Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) President Irfan Iqbal Sheikh the country’s products have already become uncompeti

Stocks rally 362 points on better earnings

The share market continued its bull spell on Tuesday as the representative index of the stock market rose on better performance by energy and banking scrips. Arif Habib Corporation analyst Ahsan Mehanti said share prices closed on the higher side amid surging global crude oil prices and improving yields on treasury bills. Speculations ahead of major earnings announcements and institutional s

Skewed tax policy

IN a statement before the National Assembly on Friday, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar rebuffed reports that the government was planning to impose new taxes on the agriculture and construction — including real estate — sectors. A day later, he insisted that the taxes on these two sectors agreed with the IMF for its new $3bn loan, and widely reported in the media, had already been implemented in the

The opportunities of gig economy

The gig economy is creating economic opportunities and earning potential across Pakistan. While the logistics industry has been at the forefront of this transformation, other sectors are also beginning to embrace the freelancer model — particularly in the blue-collar segment. It has created opportunities for people from all walks of life to earn a living, regardless of their education or backgr