
Why graduates face higher unemployment in Pakistan

It may sound counter-intuitive, but research shows the likelihood of unemployment in Pakistan grows in proportion to the level of education. A poorly developed labour market that’s unable to accommodate a rapidly growing number of educated workers has led to a high graduate unemployment rate. A recent research paper written by Henna Ahsan and Muhammad Jehangir Khan of the Pakistan Institute

FBR detects illegal import of smartphones worth $7.19m

Mobile phones worth $7.19 million have been imported illegally without opening the letters of credit (LCs) or utilising the banking channel, disclosed a report of the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) on Saturday. A senior official of FBR said despite an unannounced ban on the import of mobile phones and their accessories by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP), 52 Goods Declarations (GDs) worth $8.65

Dar links cancellation of US trip to political turmoil

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar on Sat­urday said he had cance­lled his trip to Washington for the spring meetings of the International Monet­ary Fund and World Bank on the prime minister’s orders, due to the political turmoil in Pakistan. However, he assured the nation that the IMF deal was on track and the government had already done all that was required from it to conclude the ninth review of th

Navigating the global cash crunch

Barely a year ago, there was optimism all around whenever you talked to people from the startup ecosystem. Coming on the back of a stellar 2021 — that saw investment surge more than 5x — the ecosystem was flush with a high. It continued into the first quarter of 2022, giving the impression that our moment is here to stay. Only to become what seems like a blip now. There were already glaring sig

Digitisation — the way forward

Digitisation can significantly boost the GDP growth rate and expand the size of the country’s economy. A report on Pakistan’s digital journey, Recommendations for Digital Transformation in Pakistan, argues that digitisation has the potential to add $60 billion to the economy by 2030 if the government creates a favourable investment climate for local and foreign investors to fill in the large gaps