
Top banks score low on climate, human rights

Policy rankings of five leading commercial banks show the lenders have low policy commitments to climate change, human rights, gender equality and labour rights while none discloses policies on nature and tax when lending money to firms. Speaking at the launch of a report “Benchmarking the sustainability policies of banks in Pakistan” by Fair Finance Pakis­tan on Monday, Senator Farhat­ullah Ba

Senate panel defers legislation on salt exports

The Senate Standing Commi­ttee on Commerce has decided to postpone a proposed legislation that would prohibit the export of unprocessed salt in a move to bolster domestic value addition. The committee headed by Senator Zeeshan Khanzada has directed that all relevant parties provide constructive recommendations to promote value-added exports. A private bill was moved proposing a ban on the expor

Private sector retiring loans amid slowing economy

The private sector’s contribution to the economy, if bank borrowing is taken as an indicator, has come down drastically over the last 18 months. Data recently issued by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) reveal that the sector was unable to stage a meaningful recovery during the first four months (July-October) of FY24. The data show a repeat of FY23 when the private sector’s borrowing from ba

Ogra striving to regulate growing LPG market

The demand for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) will surge to 15,000 tonnes a day in coming years from the current 4,500-5,000 tonnes as this is the only sector which has shown robust growth. Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (Ogra) Chairman Masroor Khan said that two to three years back, LPG demand was 2,500 tonnes per day. Addressing a press conference along with LPG stakeholders and leadershi

Power firms bleeding users dry through inflated bills

In one of the most damning indictments of malpractices and over-billing in the provision of electricity, the country’s power distribution companies have been accused of fleecing customers and overcharging them as much as 100pc. In a comprehensive inquiry, the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) has found that distribution companies across the country, without exception, were ov