
Unsettled times

DID anybody else find it strange that the government would postpone the announcement of its own budget in order to schedule a trip to China that, it says, is for garnering investments? A trip with that itinerary could easily have waited till after the budget, especially given that the budget is critical before an IMF deal can be finalised. It’s especially puzzling given the trip took precedence

Pakistan taking steps to improve governance, PM Shehbaz assures potential Chinese investors

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Thursday said Pakistan was taking steps to improve governance, increase the tax net and ensure ease of doing business to attract foreign direct investment (FDI), state-run Radio Pakistan reported. During a meeting with China Exim Bank President Dr Wu Fulin in Beijing today, the premier said the results of reform measures had started appearing as the “inflation i

First cherry shipment sent to China

Pakistan exported its first batch of fresh cherries to China using a reefer container and projected a total quantity of 260 tonnes by the end of this month. An official announcement from the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) said the first cargo was six tonnes, followed by 12 tonnes, beginning Monday and lasting until June 30. The country’s success in exporting the fruit is due

PM Shehbaz vows to follow Chinese development model

Appreciating the Chinese development model, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said on Thursday Pakistan can become a great nation if it followed that model through hard work and focus on industrial and agricultural growth. “All Pakistanis will also have to pass through this thorny process. There is no other way to earn respect in the world,” the prime minister said at the 4th Pakistan-China Friends

Talks continuing virtually: IMF

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said on Thursday it is continuing virtual talks with Pakistan on a new, homegrown Ex­t­en­ded Fund Facility (EFF). IMF spokesperson and Director of Commu­nications, Julie Kozack, told journalists at a news briefing in Washington that an IMF staff mission visited Pakistan from May 13 through May 23. “We made significant progress towards reaching a staff-l