
Flare-up at borders may destabilise exchange rate

Tensions with Iran and Afghanistan could lead to uncertainty in the country and destabilise the exchange rate, as the demand for dollars will rise, said currency dealers in Karachi. A currency dealer mentioned that the grey market, which had disappeared after the crackdown, started showing activity on Thursday. “I am not sure about the grey market activity. If the situation leads to more unc

Exporters urge govt to resume trade via Chaman

Balochistan exporters have urged the federal government to devise a comprehensive plan to resume trade at the Chaman border stations with Afghanistan, which has been suspended for more than three months. The closure of border customs stations has significantly impacted exporters in Balochistan and Karachi. They are unable to fulfil export orders from Central Asian States, particularly Turkmenis

Output of 8.2m lint bales falls short of local needs

Pakistan has so far produced 8.2 million bales of cotton as both Punjab and Sindh provinces have had almost equal output during 2023-24. The Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association (PCGA) on Thursday reported that the country produced 8.258m bales by Jan 15, which is 3.3m bales or 67 per cent more than the total yield of the previous crop year when the country could produce only 4.9m bales mainly d

Pakistan, Dubai ink $3 billion pacts at Davos

Pakistan and Dubai on Thursday inked two agreements worth over $3 billion on cooperation in railways, economic zones and infrastructure projects. According to an official press release, the inter-governmental framework agreements were signed to strengthen relations in the marine and logistics sectors, including the establishment of a dedicated freight corridor and economic zone near Karachi.

Lenders extend just $5.9bn in first half

Pakistani authorities were able to materialise about $5.97 billion in foreign loans in the first half of 2023-24, almost one-third of the annual budget estimate amid limited borrowing avenues in the wake of poor credit rating and adverse conditions in the global financial markets despite the support of the International Monetary Fund. In its monthly report on Foreign Economic Assistance (FEA),