
Finance: Productive politics needed

Recently, the rupee lost roughly 20 per cent value within seven trading sessions. It fell from Rs230.89 to a US dollar on January 25 to 276.57 per dollar on February 3 in the interbank market. The rupee lost this much value in just seven working days as the State Bank of Pakistan reintroduced market-driven exchange rates from January 26 on the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) insistence. For

Agriculture: Do export subsidies work?

The recent deaths of collectors of subsidised flour bags and the wheat deliveries protected by armed guards prove the country’s unrest. This poses a huge question for economists, analysts and policymakers regarding extensive subsidies on wheat and other crops when they create such a crisis. Khalid Mahmood Khokhar, president of Pakistan Kissan Ittehad, in his press conference last week, demanded

CORPORATE WINDOW: The price tag of a terror attack

The ghastly terror attack in Peshawar last week traumatised Pakistanis. Besides the tragic loss of lives and property, it reminded people of their persistent vulnerability. Terrorism and operations to counter the threat cost Pakistan dearly. The efforts to rid the country of this menace have yet to succeed. The nation compromised on other pressing priorities for years to finance counter-terrori

The potential to fuel the new industrial age

In the longer term, the investment potential in Pakistan is huge,” says Alfred Grannas, the German Ambassador to Pakistan. In an informal interview at Dawn‘s head office, the ambassador outlined the country’s potential for exporting hydrogen. “Pakistan has potential for wind and hydropower. It is one of the most promising things that can be built up to a large scale — hydrogen generated through

Centre blocks Punjab’s Rs400bn health insurance scheme

Amid challenging engagements with international lending agencies to unlock external flows for the balance of payments and flood recovery, the Centre has cast off Punjab’s Rs400 billion health insurance scheme in its present form and size, targeting the entire population of the province, including the rich and the poor. The project, named “Implementation of Universal Health Coverage under Health