
CORPORATE WINDOW : The plight of bikes

All manufacturers have benefitted from the environment of rising prices in the 16-month rule of the PDM government. The two-wheeler industry is no exception, playing havoc with the prices by citing rupee devaluation against the dollar. Despite declining demand and claims of high localisation, buyers still face high price shocks. Prices have increased significantly more than the 58 per cent depr

Gold — a haven investment

Throughout human history, gold has retained its status as a precious commodity and an asset highly sought after by investors. It serves as a safeguard against inflation and economic instability. Deeply ingrained within Pakistani culture, gold holds immense significance, often adorning rituals like weddings and celebrations. Recently, the resounding buzz surrounding gold prices in Pakistan has i

High living cost pushing more people into poverty: ADB

The increased cost-of-living crisis sparked by surging inflation last year, combined with the lingering effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, is continuing to push people in Asia and the Pacific into extreme poverty, according to a new report released by the Asian Development Bank. An estimated 155.2 million people in developing Asia and the Pacific, or 3.9 per cent of the region’s population, live

Additional grants plugged, except for ‘severe disasters’

The caretaker government has tightened the fiscal policy, banning supplementary grants except in case of severe natural calamities and setting strict conditions for diverting funds to other objectives until an elected government takes charge. “No Supplementary Grants for any additional unbudgeted spending over the parliamentary appro­ved level in FY24 [current fiscal year] will be appr­oved in

Stocks rally after four days of losses

The four-day-long downward trend in the shares market saw a reversal on Thursday as the benchmark of representative stocks witnessed a turnaround on positive economic developments. Topline Securities said investors’ sentiments remained buoyant throughout the day as they welcomed the initial virtual dialogue between the incumbent caretaker government and the International Monetary Fund with resp