
Skewed tax policy

IN a statement before the National Assembly on Friday, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar rebuffed reports that the government was planning to impose new taxes on the agriculture and construction — including real estate — sectors. A day later, he insisted that the taxes on these two sectors agreed with the IMF for its new $3bn loan, and widely reported in the media, had already been implemented in the

The opportunities of gig economy

The gig economy is creating economic opportunities and earning potential across Pakistan. While the logistics industry has been at the forefront of this transformation, other sectors are also beginning to embrace the freelancer model — particularly in the blue-collar segment. It has created opportunities for people from all walks of life to earn a living, regardless of their education or backgr

Finance: It’s time for a reawakening

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says Pakistan’s economy can grow 2.5per cent this fiscal year. This modest growth will be achieved on a low base of 0.3pc for the last fiscal year, which ended in June. This may pave the way for another two to three years of equal or slightly higher levels of growth if Pakistan is able to secure a large-sized ($8 billion-$9bn), three-year extended Fund Facilit

Non-disruptive development

Global travel began in the mid-19th century with transatlantic seafaring. The British industry leader, Cunard, carried immigrants from Europe to the US close to the 20th century. It emerged as the largest Atlantic passenger line, successfully capturing the flourishing North Atlantic travel market. The advent of commercial jets brought a tragic end to the golden era of ocean travel. While many o

Petroleum dealers to meet Musadik today

Petroleum dealers will meet Minister of State for Petroleum Musadik Malik on Monday (today) for an agreement on increasing their profit margin. The dealers are seeking a bigger share in the petroleum revenue and had threatened to shut petrol stations across the country if their demands are not met. On Friday, the strike was deferred for two days after a meeting between the Pakistan Petroleum