
PSX climbs on better economic prospects

Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) rallied in a remarkable fashion in the outgoing week when it soared to a new peak around 72,750 points as activity was fuelled by Iranian president’s visit to Pakistan and speculation about the upcoming monetary policy and new loan talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Some other major positive developments on the economic front and the ongoing corporat

Pakistan and Xinjiang’s free trade zone

Xinjiang is undergoing transformation. President Xi Jinping attaches great importance and priority to the rapid development of Xinjiang. In pursuit of President Xi’s vision, China is allocating significant resources to modernise and develop Xinjiang. China is actively constructing modern infrastructure, enhancing the supply chain system, and fostering livelihood opportunities. Due to the governmen

The tale of two banks

we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period,” excerpt from Charles Dickens’ “The Tale of Two Cities” published in 1859. The year was 1997 and the young firebrand Khawaja Mohammad Asif had been appointed chairman of the Privatisation Commission during th

Can corporate farming lead us to prosperity?

Transforming from conventional farming to corporate farming might bring about prosperity, provided that rules are formed and implemented strictly to benefit local communities and local farmers. Corporate farming could revitalise the agriculture sector if the hurdles and de-incentivising weaknesses in the sector are addressed. The country does not have a culture of corporate farming, and this is a

Cheap flour: a short glimpse of power of market

Wheat is the main staple for 250 million Pakistanis, which is eaten at least twice a day. All governments have been striving to ensure the availability of wheat since the 1950s and have relied on the minimum support price and the procurement plan for maintaining strategic reserves through the purchase of domestic and imported wheat. Except for a few years, the country has witnessed wheat flour