
Empowering at grassroots level

OVER time, the country’s socio-economic progress has generated and nurtured pluralism that has unfortunately found expression in political polarisation for want of required efforts to seek unity in diversity that can be forged by widely sharing rights, responsibilities and prosperity. On a positive note, the socio-economic progress has unleashed a (assertive) middle class whose presence can onl

Special Report: Steering next year’s economic ship

THE two historical events of 2023 — the breakout of the Israel-Palestian war and the spread of artificial intelligence — will continue to impact geopolitics and geoeconomics across all geographical regions throughout 2024. The post-May 9 change in Pakistan’s political landscape in 2023 and the post-Israel-Hamas adjustments in the country’s geopolitical stance may impact the February 8, 2024 ele

Agriculture: Agri hopes pinned on SIFC

AS 2023, what the farmers call a disastrous year, wears out, they do not have much hope for 2024 as well. They list expected problems they are expected to face next year, some of them existential in nature: rising cost of production, market cartelisation, profiteering, price crashes, scarcity of seeds, bad and deteriorating governance and agriculture falling out of ruling elite — except of course

A year of stabilisation

AFTER a tumultuous 2023, most people remain “cautiously optimistic” about Pakistan’s economic outlook as we enter the new year, waiting with bated breath for a new government to take office. Last week, we had an interview with Muhammad Ali Tabba, Lucky Cement’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and one of the most dynamic businessmen this country has ever produced, to know his thoughts on Pakistan’s e

Back-breaking inflation, utility bills grind common man down in 2023

The year 2023 ended with no major relief for consumers in essential commodities as the government failed to show any serious efforts to control rising prices at various levels. The unbearable burden of electricity and gas bills has decimated the purchasing power of people who were already reeling with skyrocketing inflation. In the entire year, consumers witnessed only one significant reduct