
From downloads to dollars

Not too long ago, you’d hear boomers blaming everything wrong in society on mobile phones. This was before they signed up on Facebook and started receiving fake news on WhatsApp and became one of the largest demographics for these products. Coincidentally, the two Meta-owned apps also had the third and fourth most downloads in Pakistan during 2023, at 23.4 million and 22.8m, respectively. Accor

Barriers to green transformation

The financial sector plays a crucial role in promoting environmentally sustainable and socially responsible investment. Pakistan has set a target of a 50 per cent reduction in its projected greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030 — 15pc from the country’s resources and 35pc subject to the provision of international finance amounting to $101 billion for the clean energy transition. This requires

Improving economy, uneasy politics

The resurgence of social and political tensions post-February elections is puzzling, especially when economic indicators in Pakistan are finally starting to improve. Despite navigating a very difficult year, where the country narrowly avoided default with the help of donors, the political climate has become increasingly volatile. The public, desperate for tangible benefits, is growing impatient

Let’s not veil transparency

Freedom of expression is under threat. Defence Minister Khawaja Asif warns media persons and social media users that they could go to jail if they share ‘secret’ information that hurts Pakistan’s ties with “friendly and brotherly countries”. Does this apply to reporting and commenting on Dubai Unlocked, popularly known as Dubai Leaks? Well, it depends on who reports and who comments. Thanks

Banking sector proposals critical for SMEs, tech and agriculture, says Aurangzeb

LAHORE: Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue Mohammad Aurangzeb has termed the banking sector’s recommendations for three priority sectors — small and medium enterprises (SMEs), digital and technology, agriculture — vital for promoting growth and sustainability. In a meeting with a delegation of the Pakistan Banks’ Association (PBA), the minister stated that the purpose of this initiative w