
Fund to review FBR’s performance under SBA

The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) will resume virtual talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Monday to review revenue collection performance in the first two months of the current fiscal year, as well as projections for the coming months, a senior government official told Dawn on Saturday. The IMF team will discuss the performance of the FBR and revenue measures taken in March, fo

Pakistan seeks $300m ADB loan for water project

Pakistan has requested the Asian Development Bank for $300 million loan for the Kurram Tangi Integrated Water Resources Development project which aims to improve energy, water and food security in the country. The ADB is expected to approve the loan in 2024, according to the project document released by the bank. The proposed project will directly contribute to the two strategic pillars of Paki

Agriculture: Enhancing crop water productivity

In the face of rapidly changing climatic conditions, the agricultural sector in Pakistan, particularly in Sindh, finds itself grappling with a myriad of challenges. With rising temperatures, erratic rainfall patterns, and prolonged droughts wreaking havoc, crop yields have been severely impacted, and water availability has become increasingly scarce. The current scenario presents a substantial

CORPORATE WINDOW : The plight of bikes

All manufacturers have benefitted from the environment of rising prices in the 16-month rule of the PDM government. The two-wheeler industry is no exception, playing havoc with the prices by citing rupee devaluation against the dollar. Despite declining demand and claims of high localisation, buyers still face high price shocks. Prices have increased significantly more than the 58 per cent depr

Gold — a haven investment

Throughout human history, gold has retained its status as a precious commodity and an asset highly sought after by investors. It serves as a safeguard against inflation and economic instability. Deeply ingrained within Pakistani culture, gold holds immense significance, often adorning rituals like weddings and celebrations. Recently, the resounding buzz surrounding gold prices in Pakistan has i