
Stocks drift higher on rising oil prices

Stocks closed higher on Monday led by oil companies amid surging global crude prices as well as the rupee’s recovery against the dollar. Arif Habib Corporation analyst Ahsan Mehanti said the decision by the State Bank of Pakistan to maintain the status quo over the policy rate, upbeat data on cement sales, which rose 37 per cent in August, and expanding banking spreads played the role of a cata

Will oil hit $100?

With oil investors and traders focused on an oil-price rally that has come close to $100 a barrel, some grades of crude oil are already trading above that milestone, highlighting an expectation of tight supply. The outright price of Nigerian crude Qua Iboe surpassed $100 a barrel on Monday, according to LSEG data QUA-E. Malaysian crude Tapis reached $101.30 last week, said Bjarne Schieldrop, an

Analysis: Outlook for culture change

The lacklustre performance of the public policies in some areas and dismal failures in other domains are breeding ideas falling in the realm of culture change in state governance and corporate organisational reorientation while ground realities are opening up avenues and freedom for individual enterprise. This is happening when the state policies are in a state of flux, and the country is strug

Cryptocurrency — claims and reality

Even after a decade, Bitcoin has not been accepted as a medium of exchange globally by governments, centralised authorities and financial institutions. The European Union has warned the masses against investing in cryptocurrencies, declaring it highly risky, speculative and unsuitable for most retail customers as an investment or a means of payment or exchange. But the question is, what’s wrong

Cheaper energy can spur economic growth: Nepra

National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) Chairman Waseem Mukhtar on Monday said that promoting energy affordability for the export sector through regionally competitive tariffs was a critical factor in boosting economic growth in current challenging times. Addressing the Pakistan Energy Conference jointly organised by the Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) and Eventive