
Shutdowns loom in textile, auto sectors

The textile and auto sectors continue to face a crisis as an auto parts maker has announced a partial shutdown, while a textile mill has planned to close two of its units indefinitely. Agriauto Industries Limited, a manufacturer of auto parts, and its wholly owned subsidiary Agri Stamping Company Private Limited will undergo a partial shutdown in Oct due to low production volumes of local vehic

Exports reverse declining trend in September

Pakis­tan’s merchandise exports registered year-on-year a modest growth of 1.15 per cent in September, reversing the trend after 12 consecutive months of contraction, data released by the Pakistan Bureau of Stati­stics showed on Monday. However, on a month-on-month basis, the export proceeds increased 4.18pc to $2.465bn in September. The export of goods in the first quarter (July to Septembe

Circular debt grows despite tariff hikes

Power sector circular debt continues to grow despite all the repeated tariff increases on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis as the government takes a strategic move towards billing in the consumer tariffs capacity charges payable to power producers. This came to light when the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) on Monday notified a flat Rs3.2814 per unit additional quarter

Corporate funding during elections

Corporate entities in Pakistan and their associated bodies maintain a visible distance from the electoral process. Even after the government lifted the ban on their participation in providing financial support to political parties and candidates, their behaviour remained unaffected. The business community, it seems, overlooked the legal shift regarding political donations by companies and trade

The cost of toxic coal mining in Thar

Lying somewhere at the bottom of the stack of thousands of cases pending before the Supreme Court is an appeal filed by the residents of the villages of the Thar desert whose lives and livelihoods have been threatened by disposal on their lands of highly toxic water being pumped out during coal mining. The water is being disposed of at two effluent water disposal sites in Gorano and Dukar Cho v