
Car makers cut prices amid plant shutdowns

As Indus Motor Company Ltd (IMC) decreased prices by Rs100,000 to Rs1.310 million citing rupee appreciation, Pak Suzuki Motor Company Ltd (PSMCL) on Tuesday announced the suspension of car and motorbike production for a limited period. In a stock filing, PSMCL said its car plant would remain shut from Oct 25-27 and Oct 30-Nov 3. Similarly, its two-wheeler assembly would also be inoperative from

Seeking fresh growth under BRI

China has used the third Belt and Road Forum (BRF) organised in Beijing early last week to mark the first 10 years of the launch of its transactional Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) project to tweak and re-energise this multi-trillion-dollar programme for broader global collaboration. The changes in the BRI framework announced at the forum show signs of China’s shifting strategy going forward by

Flip-flopping policies for SMEs

The financial results for the third quarter have started pouring in, and for banks, it’s a bonanza with triple-digit bottom-line growth. However, what the numbers really represent is a broken economy where the sovereign can’t keep its house in order and financial institutions fail to do their job. And the biggest casualty of this collective incompetence is perhaps borne by the small and medium ent

Grappling with an imbalanced economy

While the authorities struggle with structural policy reforms, regulatory and administrative measures have made some incremental gains. Owing to the rupee’s appreciation against the dollar over five consecutive weeks, the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI ) said Pakistan’s external debt had reduced by a staggering Rs400 billion. The dollar trading at Rs336 on Se

The elusive dream of property ownership

Living the retirement plan as a real-estate owner seems unattainable in today’s Pakistan. And not buying coffee on the way to work won’t make a difference. Having worked (and saved) from an early age, commencing with an esteemed magazine during adolescence, followed by part-time employment while pursuing higher education, and working full-time with a lucrative take-home, it is a small wonder th