
Govt rolls out first measures as IMF mission begins talks

On the opening day of make-or-break talks with the International Monet­ary Fund (IMF), the government on Tuesday increased liq­u­efied petroleum gas (LPG) price by 30 per cent and finalised a minimum of Rs6 per unit average increase in electricity rates between now and August. This was on top of an earlier hike in petroleum rates by up to 16pc, a rise of one percentage point in the central bank

Inflation jumps to 48-year high of 27.6pc in January

The annual consumer inflation hit 27.6 per cent last month, the highest in 48 years, as prices of food and transport continued to remain elevated amid economic turmoil, official data showed on Wednesday. On a month-on-month basis, the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which measures the overall change in consumer prices based on a representative basket of goods and services over time, rose 2.9pc in J

Shares recover on hopes of IMF programme revival

Shares at the Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) recovered on Tuesday as an International Monetary Fund (IMF) delegation arrived in Pakistan to discuss the revival of the stalled loan programme. The benchmark KSE-100 index jumped 801.79 points, or 2.01 per cent, to close at 40,673.06 points. It reached an intraday high of 845.99 points, or 2.12pc, around 3:04pm. Arif Habib Corporation Director Ah

Changes to PSX defaulters’ rules

The Pakistan Stock Exchange is mulling changes in its regulations to revamp the defaulters’ segment to protect the rights of minority shareholders. The exchange places listed firms in this segment when they commit any of the 14 specific irregularities mentioned in the PSX Rule Book, the document containing all exchange-related regulations for the 532 listed companies. The PSX has proposed th

Ending Pakistan’s recurring electricity crises — a seven-point action plan

Power outages are a nuisance in general but they become demonic when they encompass an entire country, extend beyond 15 hours, and occur twice in three months. Then they become a blackout. That’s exactly what happened on January 23. What was unusual about this blackout was that it came within months of a previous one in October and that it occurred in the winter when demand is less than half th