
Crumbling tech dreams

The journey from boom to busts can be rather quick, as we Pakistanis know all too well. However, in the last couple of years, the tech industry has also come to this realisation after a long period of what seemed like reality-defying invincibility at one point. From $648.6 billion of venture capital in 2021, global fundraising went to $248.4bn in 2023, marking a strong correction in the market. An

Oligopoly echoes of real estate

The real estate sector in Pakistan cannot be fully considered a market due to the absence of a centralised platform that facilitates direct interaction between buyers and sellers to discover appropriate deals for their properties. Theoretically, a market is delineated by its unique attributes, comprising a platform where buyers and sellers convene to execute transactions. The availability of ex

Agriculture: Recognising agriculture’s potential

It is ironic that the sector that provides livelihood to more than 40 per cent of the country’s workforce is so neglected. The contribution of agriculture is brushed aside by quoting just 22pc-23pc as its contribution to GDP. Regardless of the debate on the authenticity of the figures, this percentage of 22pc-23pc cannot be seen in isolation as agriculture provides inputs to various other secto

Finance: Economic challenges are deep

The federal government borrowed more than Rs4 trillion from commercial banks in seven months and nine days of this fiscal year (between July 1, 2023, and February 9, 2024), according to the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP). After some adjustments (mainly retirement of State Bank of Pakistan debts and net negative borrowings by provinces), the government sector’s borrowings for budgetary support totall

Voter turnout’s weak link with the economy

People were determined to vote in the 2024 elections. However, despite the increase in absolute terms, voter turnout dipped in terms of percentage. Harsh winter in parts of the country, fears of violence and terrorism in KP and Balochistan, as well as uncertainty about the conduct of elections, may have also adversely affected the turnout, states an analysis by the Free & Fair Election Network (Fa