
Pressure mounts on Dar to stop ‘managing’ exchange rate

As Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves have fallen to an alarming level — not even sufficient enough to cover three weeks’ worth of imports — the financial sector has asked Finance Minister Ishaq Dar to stop ‘managing’ the rupee-dollar parity, which is one of the key conditions set by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for resuming stalled talks for the release of a $1.12 billion tranche. P

IMF delegation to meet Dar on sidelines of Geneva conference: spokesperson

A delegation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will meet Finance Minister Ishaq Dar on the sidelines of the upcoming Geneva conference to “discuss outstanding issues”, the lender’s spokesperson said on Sunday. The International Conference on Climate Resilient Pakistan will be held in Geneva on January 9 (Monday). The event will be co-hosted by the Government of Pakistan and the United Na

Time for a charter of citizen rights

In the public discourse about how to put the economy on the path of inclusive and sustainable economic development, analysts have usually focused on the need for charters of economy, democracy and governance. But what is forgotten, to quote a distinguished development economist, is that the historical record demonstrates that economic and political rights make a remarkably successful problem-solvi

Flood prevention methods

Pakistan estimates the total losses from its recent floods in 2022 could be as high as $40 billion, affecting millions and killing more than 1,730 since mid-June. Pakistan has about 145 million acre-feet (MAF) of water per annum, out of which, freshwater losses per annum to the sea in the form of floods is about 30MAF, about 15-20 per cent of annual water production in the Indus basin. Groun

Supporting the dairy industry

Historically, Pakistan has been a major player in the global dairy market. Its important role is reflected in the sector growth of 3.26 per cent in 2020-21, accounting for about 61.89pc of agriculture value additions and 14.06pc of the country’s GDP. As such, it is an important source of foreign exchange earnings, as well as a source of income for over eight million rural families. Within the live