Govt hints at cutting tariff for solar net metering

Conceding excessive fuel cost adjustments as unfair to the consumers, the government on Tuesday hinted at fresh plans to lower net metering tariff for rooftop solar power units after similar botched attempts more than a year ago. This was the crux of a meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Power, which also decided to wind up investigations into alleged malpractices in the award of four contracts for a foreign-funded 765-kilovolt transmission line from Dasu Hydropower Project to Islamabad based on an inquiry of the power division giving clean chit to its subordinate company. “There have been some excesses in fuel cost adjustments recently, but this is not our doing,” Power Secretary Asad Rehman Gilani said while testifying before the Senate panel led by Senator Azam Nazeer Tarar. Mr Gilani said the fuel costs were higher than the approved reference fuel tariff estimated in July, but this was because of higher insurance costs and tanker charges because of the situation in the Middle East.