Rules for cross-border trade notified

The Customs Department has notified regulations that will govern cross-border trade under the Pakistan Single Window (PSW) system. The regulations were notified through a customs notification SRO98 of 2023, which will come into effect immediately. These regulations will apply to all users from individuals to commercial and non-commercial entities engaged in cross-border trade. All persons wishing to conduct a cross-border trade transaction whether imports, exports, or transit must have a valid National Tax Number (NTN) or Free Tax Number (FTN) issued by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR); Computerised National Identity Card (CNIC). In case the applicant is a Pakistani national, or a company incorporated in Pakistan having one or more Pakistani nationals as partners or directors should have a Corporate Universal Identification Number (CUIN). An applicant will access the PSW portal and follow the electronic process through the PSW interface. On validation of the information provided, the system will require a cell phone number registered in the name of the person or partner or director whose CNIC has been selected. The numbers registered in the name of the company will not be valid for verification of identity purposes.