
Hybrid makers face tax dilemma

Hybrid car assemblers are now in a quandary as the government increased the general sales tax (GST) to 25 per cent from 8.5pcin the new budget. As a direct consequence, the price of locally made hybrid vehicles is projected to surge, with some models potentially increasing by up to Rs1.4 million to over Rs2.2mn after the GST hike. Sources said that the assemblers of these vehicles were surpr

Drug prices to rise as 18pc sales tax imposed on raw materials

The government has raised the sales tax rate to 18 per cent from 1pc on raw materials used in producing pharmaceutical active components and goods, which is expected to spike drug prices. The Finance Bill 2024 proposed that the standard sales tax rate will be applied to all items classified under Chapter 30 of the First Schedule with exceptions to the Customs Act 1969. The bill suggested severa

Bar slams more powers to FBR men

The Pakistan Tax Bar Association (PTBA) has criticised the increase in taxes on salaried individuals and sales tax as oppressive. It also believes that giving the FBR officials more powers will lead to greater harassment of taxpayers. PTBA President Anwar Kashif Mumtaz, at a press conference held at Karachi Press Club on Thursday, labelled the budget FY25 as counterproductive to economic activi

Petrol rates expected to go down by Rs9 tomorrow

The government is expected to pass on the impact of lower international prices to consumers with a cut in the rates of petrol and high-speed diesel (HSD). In the upcoming fortnightly review of prices on June 15, petrol is expected to go down by about Rs9 and HSD by Rs5 per litre. According to sources, the prices of petrol and HSD had declined in the international market by about $3.75 and $2

Budget ignored 11m poor Pakistanis, experts bemoan

While the people are still trying to gauge the real impact of the new budget on their lives, an interaction with the man on the street revealed that 40 per cent Pakistanis living below the poverty line had a feeling the government had left them to fend for themselves. Finance Minister Muh­a­mmad Aurangzeb said nothing about tackling poverty in his budget speech, disappointing the have-nots who