Rs3.33 per unit hike for April notified

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) on Thursday notified Rs3.33 per unit additional fuel cost against consumption in April to enable ex-Wapda distribution companies (Discos) to raise another Rs29 billion in June as the government confirmed on record a minor impact of solar net metering on electricity sales. Nepra “has reviewed and assessed a National Average Uniform increase of Rs3.3321/kWh in the applicable tariff for ex-Discos on account of variations in the fuel charges for April 2024”, said an order issued by the regulator. The net tariff increase due to FCA’s impact would be about Rs6 per unit because of its partial spillover to the quarterly tariff adjustment (QTA) to follow later. The “adjustment of Rs3.3321/kWh shall apply to all the consumer categories except Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (EVCS) and lifeline consumers. The adjustment will be shown separately in the June bills based on units consumed in April”, said Nepra’s notification.