Services exports up

ServiĀ­ces exports increased by 16.59 per cent year-on-year in April, marking the third consecutive month of growth following four months of contraction, according to data released by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics on Tuesday. Exports reached $646.03 million from $554.10m in the corresponding month last year. On a month-on-month basis, the services export posted a negative growth of 7.57pc. In rupee terms, the export of services grew 13.81pc in April to Rs179.68bn against Rs157.88bn in the corresponding month last year. The export of services was up 1.18pc to $6.44bn in 10MFY24 against $6.36bn. In rupee terms, they recorded a massive improvement of 19.44pc to Rs1.82 trillion against Rs1.53bn in 10MFY23.