SECP issues call centre guidelines for digital lenders

ISLAMABAD: The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) has issued guidelines to NBFCs involved in digital lending to ensure best practices in advertisements and call centre management. The guidelines were designed to prioritise borrower protection and to prevent deceptive marketing and unethical call centre practices. Non-banking financial companies (NBFCs), licensed by the SECP, are extensively promoting their loan products through various social media platforms. Digital lending NBFCs are dependent on call centre infrastructure, whether owned or outsourced, to conduct verification, manage recovery collection and provide customer services. Consequently, call centres have become an integral aspect of their business operations. The SECP recognises the need for responsible and ethical marketing practices and call centre operations. Responsible and ethical behaviour necessitates that NBFCs use transparency and honesty in their advertising and that they make these standards a requirement for their call centres.