Sugar sector earns record Rs22bn on price spike

The listed sugar sector’s earnings were up 78 per cent year-on-year to a record high of Rs22 billion in FY23 (Oct 2022 to Sept 2023) due to a rise in sugar prices that led to higher gross margins. Ethanol, which is a by-product of sugar, also experienced improved performance in FY23 due to favourable selling prices in the international market along with the rupee devaluation. Sunny Kumar of Topline Securities said that net sales of the sector jumped 29pc year-on-year to Rs304bn in FY23 due to the export of 249,000 tonnes and 28pc increase in average domestic prices in FY23. The federal government allowed the export of 250,000 tonnes of sugar in January 2023, subject to the condition that proceeds in dollars would be recovered from sugar exporters within 60 days from the date letters of credit (LCs) were opened.