Half-yearly cement sales rise 10pc

Some revival in construction activities propelled local cement sales by a mere one per cent year-on-year to 20.223 million tonnes during July-December of FY24, while exports soared by 111pc to 3.653m tonnes from 1.734m tonnes the same period a year ago. As a result, the cumulative cement despatches (domestic and export) grew 9.7pc to 23.876m tonnes in 1HFY24 versus 21.674m tonnes, according to the data released by All Pakistan Cement Manu­facturers Associa­tion (APCMA) on Tuesday. A spokesman of APCMA, however, expressed serious concerns over the negative growth in domestic sales in December. He hoped that the government would speed up Public Sector Development Projects (PSDP) to increase cement demand and also give attention to the operational problems of cement makers. Two major issues currently being faced by the cement industry are related to the new Axle Load Regime and Track and Trace system. “We have approached the functionaries concerned and expect to get a positive response,” he added.