Faults found in foreign-funded power projects

A Senate panel on Monday found fault with the procurement of foreign multilateral-funded projects in the power sector and ordered the National Engineering Services of Pakistan (Nespak) not to sign a final agreement with a local firm till a conclusion because of suspicious circumstances. A meeting of the Senate Standing Committee on Power presided over by Saifullah Abro took up the matter of Nespak on non-implementation of its orders regarding the submission of a re-evaluation report and status for Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded project regarding ACSR Bunting Conductor. A Nespak team told the panel that the domestic preference given in the financial evaluation was based on the EDB (Engineering Development Board) letter issued in February 2015. It conceded that the clarification should have been sorted out for the usage of the 2015 letter and the evaluation had been done for the year 2022, which was not an appropriate action. The committee was further informed that the said letter was valid for a period of six months.