US extends exemption related to fish exports

In a significant development for the seafood industry, Pakistan has successfully secured a two-year extension until Dec 31, 2025 to continue the commercial export of fish and fish products to the United States. This decision by the US administration exempts Pakistan from adhering to the standards outlined in the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) of 2016, according to an official announcement on Tuesday. The MMPA typically prohibits the import of commercially fished products that have been caught using techniques that inadvertently cause harm or death to marine mammals beyond the thresholds established by US regulations. Pakistan stands among a select few of the 130 countries that have been granted this special exemption. The extension was notified in a Federal Register Notice. The MMPA initially provided a five-year grace period to foreign countries. This was intended to allow these nations sufficient time to establish regulatory measures that address the issue of marine mammal bycatch in a manner comparable to US standards.