IMF official expresses confidence in reaching staff-level agreement \'soon\'

International Monetary Fund (IMF) Middle East and Central Asia Director Jihad Azour on Wednesday expressed his confidence that the staff-level agreement between Pakistan and the international money lender would be signed "soon" following the board's approval. The remarks came during the IMF’s spring meeting held in Washington, which Finance Minister Ishaq Dar attended via Zoom from Islamabad, a statement issued by the Finance Division said. The meeting is seen as an opportunity for Islamabad to campaign for the renewal of the IMF's $6.5 billion bailout package agreed in 2019, of which the government has been trying to secure the final tranche of $1.1bn since February. "He (Azour) hoped that Pakistan would continue towards its progress on the reforms in various sectors and complete the IMF Programme in time, and IMF will play its positive role in bringing economic stability in Pakistan," the press release said.