CORPORATE WINDOW: Villains or vilified?

While many in the business world of Pakistan were eager to see an armoured saviour taking over the country to put things right, others wished to move out of the shadows of the past and partake in the process of economic restructuring to ensure sound foundations for future business growth and sustainable development. Even the enlightened corporate leaders fondly recalled the 60s, 80s and 2000s eras when they enjoyed official patronage and protection, and there was a semblance of stability that allowed them to build and expand their business empires. Some, however, acknowledge alienating from society in their zest to make most of the money-making avenues. They wished to reconnect by being socially more responsible for mending their public image. “Who doesn’t need a social endorsement? I have worked very hard to succeed, but in terms of respect, beyond my immediate circle, I am demonised, called names. It hurts.