
The endemic current account deficit

Pakistan’s economic growth has been persistently hampered by its current account deficit (CAD), a situation where the country’s imports exceed its exports, resulting in a shortage of foreign currency. This deficit has been escalating over several decades, posing significant challenges to Pakistan’s economic stability. The CAD issue is exacerbated by Pakistan’s dependence on international financ

Finance: Caught between hopes and fears

In just over three months of this fiscal year (between July 1 and October 6), the federal government’s borrowings from banks almost tripled to Rs1.835 trillion from Rs628 billion in the same period last year. Funds borrowed from banks are being used chiefly for debt servicing but also for meeting the high cost of running the day-to-day affairs of the government. Current bank borrowing of the go

Will the Middle-East conflict impact Pakistan?

The brazen disregard for civility and international law in the Middle East war zone has deeply saddened and incensed Pakistanis. Beyond its social and political implications, the corporate sector was troubled by the government’s lack of preparedness in dealing with the evolving situation to mitigate potential risks for the already fragile economy. “The vivid images depicting death, destructi

Chaman border protest escalates over passport, visa policy

Workers, supporters and members of all party traders’ alliance continued their sit-in in Chaman for the second consecutive day on Sun­day, protesting against the government’s decision to make valid pass­ports and visas mandatory for crossing Pak-Afghan border. The Pakistani government has decided to restrict border crossing to only those with valid passports and visas, effective from November 1

Govt set to ratify soaring gas charges before IMF review

Before seeking final dates for the second review of the ongoing IMF loan programme, the government has convened a special meeting of the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) on Monday (today) to discuss and clear an unprecedented surge of 3,900 per cent in fixed monthly charges and a 194pc hike in consumer rates for natural gas. These price adjustments, set for cabinet’s ratification on Tuesda