
Govt implements revenue measures from Feb 15 to secure $1.2bn IMF tranche early

In light of an unexpected relief in tax measures from the International Monetary Fund, the government has decided to take a proactive approach and implement tax and non-tax measures from Feb 15 instead of March 1 — the purported deadline proposed by the global lender — to secure quick release of $1.2 billion tranche. Ahead of the start of much-delayed talks, the government was expecting that th

Upskilling farm workers

Pakistan’s agriculture sector is short on growth and productivity compared to many other countries with comparable agro-climatic conditions. The most commonly cited constraints that widely explain our suboptimal agricultural productivity include limited usage of high-yielding seeds, insufficient application of fertilisers, inadequate water availability, ineffective extension services, and farmers’

Wooing alienated citizens

The dismal economic conditions affecting the majority of the people, the growing chasm between the government and the discontented masses, divisive elitist politics, and rising militancy and violence have enhanced internal security risks. The earlier successes achieved by the military in subduing fanaticism have not been consolidated by economic development that could bring peace and prosperity

Challenging circular debt monster

Moving with ‘Shehbaz Speed’, the government approved a Circular Debt Management Plan (CDMP) finalised in consultation with multilateral lenders hours after the International Monetary Fund (IMF) released an end-of-mission statement. At the outset, it took care of the backlog of pending tariff increases on the monthly, quarterly and permanent national average rate of electricity along with a futu

A ‘project’ economy

Economists ascribe Sri Lanka’s recent financial problems to a severe decline in tourism and remittances, as well as a substantial tax cut, but poor governance is atop the list of the factors that played havoc with the island nation’s economy, which relied heavily on tourism and remittances. Both these sources were hit badly by the Covid pandemic as the workers were laid off on a mass scale. Pak